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The Pan-African Society for Cardiothoracic Surgery (PASCaTS) is calling for scientific abstract submission for its First Pan-African Cardiothoracic Surgery Summit (PACaTS) to be held on 22-24th 2025 in Accra, Ghana..
It provides an ideal platform for all participants to present and discuss the latest technologies, research trends, as well as practice innovations to advance the field and better patient care.
General Submission Information:
Kindly review the submission instructions thoroughly to avoid the administrative withdrawal of your abstract. Ensure to provide a functional email address for correspondence purposes. If you have Questions, please contact the organizer PASCaTS via email at the e-mail address below.
An acknowledgement of receipt of your submission will be sent to your e-mail address after the completed submission. Please consider that only completed submissions will enter the review process and all incomplete drafts will be deleted from the system.
Registration and Accommodations:
Presenting authors must register themselves by latest 15 January 2025 and attend the meeting in person. (NO virtual attendance options). Registration, travel, and hotel assistance will not be provided unless contacted by the conference organizing committee.
Publication Rules:
In-person presentation at the PACaTS summit is a pre-requisite for Publication. Presenting authors who have not accepted to present by the deadline provided in the invitation and have yet to reach out to us regarding any delay may have their submission(s) withdrawn from presentation and publication.
Extensions Policy:
There will be no extensions to the submission deadline unless specified by the Program Organizing Committee.
Selected Abstracts
Authors will be invited to present in-person at the PACaTS Summit and
will be published in an online Journal of tba
Excellent Abstracts
Author/Presenter will be invited to present in person at the PACaTS Summit 2025 top abstract session to receive the PASCaTS/EACTS excellence award
Abstract submissions will be reviewed by the Abstracts Review Committee for acceptance.
Abstract acceptance notifications will be sent to authors by email within 6-8 weeks after the submission.
The top abstracts will be accepted for podium presentation and presenters will receive a research award from the PASCaTS/EACTS .
Submission Types
There are two submission types:
1. Original research, 2. Case reports.
1. The Title and Text of the original research abstracts should concisely address the problem and the purpose of the study (BACKGROUND); how the study was performed (METHODS); the main findings with numerical data and statistical significance (RESULTS); and the principal conclusions drawn from the study (CONCLUSIONS). They should not exceed 300 words.
1.1.Each Word in the title of the abstract must be Capitalized; Please enter the FIRST NAME in full, followed by the LAST NAME, for each author without abbreviations (e.g. Kofi Mensah, and Not K. Mensah).
1.2. Since the abstracts will be judged anonymously, the text must not reveal the institutional affiliation.
1.3. Mark the category which describes best the subject of your abstract.
2. Case reports should include introduction, case description and conclusion. They should not exceed 150 words.
Topic Categories
Please indicate the topic category that best fit your abstract
Congenital heart surgery (including interventional cardiac surgery)
Surgery of rheumatic heart valve disease/endomyocardial fibrosis:
Interplay between valve and ventricular dysfunction.
Valve repair vs. prosthetic valve replacement
Minimally invasive cardiac surgery
Cardiac infections: Valvular infective endocarditis, tuberculous constrictive pericarditis
Ischemic heart disease: PCI and CABG surgery
Left ventricular aneurysm
Postcardiotomy heart failure and mechanical circulatory support.
Type A and B aortic dissection, aortic aneurysms.
Aortic root surgery in Marfans
Minimally Invasive cardiac surgery: Interventional vs MICS
Atrial and ventricular rhythm surgery: Long-term outcomes of resynchronization–defibrillation for Heart Failure
Cardiac anesthesiology cardio-respiratory and cerebral monitoring
Critical care management
Cardiothoracic and vascular injuries
Pleural disease (Pleural empyema, pneumothorax etc.)
Diagnostic and therapeutic bronchoscopy
Surgery of benign and malignant esophageal and lung disease
Risk prediction models for clinical decisions, treatment strategies and better outcomes
Artificial intelligence in cardiovascular surgery
Submission Charges
Submission of abstract and or case report is free.
Speaker Guidelines:
Please be informed that there may be slight changes in the program for any reason. So please be available in the meeting room from conference start time on day of your presentation.
Each speaker will have 15 minutes for presentation. Please plan your talk for 12 minutes to allow for introduction and questions. In order to stay in track of time, please ensure that you start and end your presentation on the times indicated in the schedule.
The conference language is English.
Presentation should be submitted in PDF or PPT Format. Be sure your visuals are clear and very legible.
Submit your presentation slides 15 days before the conference and also bring a copy with you on flash drive or storage device to the event.
Please check and make sure that your presentations are working properly before the session starts.
The meeting room is equipped with digital projector, screen, laptop, slider with pointer, cordless mike, desktop mike, basic sound system.
Taking the timelines and technical set up into consideration, using personal laptops are not recommended unless under unavoidable conditions.
Users of Windows/PC should assure compatibility of their presentation with the MAC system used at the lectern.